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Expert Tips for Navigating the Real Estate Market

My mission at Peacock Real Estate is to be your best resource for real estate advice. Whether you are a buyer, seller, or investor, I can answer any questions you might have about real estate. Subscribe to this blog to get the latest news on local market trends and receive expert tips for buying or selling a home.

3 Questions to Ask Any Agent Before You Hire Them

Buying or selling a home is a major project. Having a trustworthy agent to guide you through that project can be an invaluable asset. But how can you vet potential real estate agents to see who would be a good fit for you? Here are three important questions you should ask to get started: 

You want to get a sense that this agent is somebody you can trust.

1. "How many homes have you sold in the last 12 months?" Many real estate agents will tell you the number of years they have in the business. That's useful, but their recent activity can be more relevant than their total experience. Asking this question can tell you how well they know the market, as well as how successful you can expect them to be in your case.

Bonus Question: You will probably want to ask whether the agent works primarily with buyers or sellers, because many agents specialize to some extent in one or the other.

2. "Can I have the contact info for your last three deals?" Anybody can say they are a marvelously effective real estate agent. But talking to actual past clients can help you decide whether this is true or a bunch of hot air. When you do talk to a real estate agent's previous clients, you don't need to get too fancy to get useful information. Simply ask them to share their experience.

3. "What is your strategy for my specific needs?" As a buyer, you will want the agent to explain how they will search for your new home, how many homes you can expect to see, and how the agent handles multiple offers. As a seller, you will want to know how and where the agent will advertise your home.

So what kinds of answers should you look for to these questions?

Ideally, you will want to get a sense that this agent is somebody you can trust and that you feel comfortable working with.

At the same time, you will want them to be experienced and diligent, as evidenced by recent successful deals and a concrete plan of action for your situation.

If you ever want to know how I measure up on these questions, you can always give me a call at (231) 856-4456. I'd love to hear what your specific situation is and whether I would be a good match to help you in the current Central Michigan real estate market.

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